Nice Weather Today and Tomorrow. Wet Weather Risk Saturday.

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Mostly sunny skies will grace the region over the next couple of days before a chance of showers and storms are possible on Saturday. Temperatures will generally stay on the cooler side of normal overall. Highs in the 70s and low 80s will occur in Western PA while DC hangs in the low to mid 80s. Lows in the 50s and low 60s are expected across the region. Have a fantastic Thursday! We’re almost to the weekend!
Current (~6-6:30am) Temperatures:
  • Erie, PA: 58
  • Franklin, PA: 54
  • New Castle, PA: 53
  • Butler, PA: 54
  • Pittsburgh, PA (KAGC): 58
  • Uniontown, PA: 53
  • State College, PA: 55
  • Frederick, MD: 62
  • BWI Airport, MD: 64
  • DC (KDCA):  73


Western PA:

Main threat: None.

  • Today: Mostly sunny. Highs: 70s/Low 80s Overnight Lows: 50s
  • Friday: Mostly sunny skies early. Increasing clouds later on. Slight chance of wet weather in SW PA late.  Highs: Upper 70s/Low 80s Overnight Lows: 50s/Low 60s
  • Saturday: Chance of lingering showers in SW PA. Highs: 70s/Low 80s Overnight Lows: Low to Mid 60s

DC Region:

Main threat: Heavy rains could occur Saturday night.

  • Today: Mostly sunny. Highs: Mid 80s Overnight Lows: Mid to Upper 60s
  • Friday: Mostly sunny.  Highs: Mid 80s Overnight Lows: Upper 60s/Low 70s
  • Saturday: Chance of showers and storms. Highs: Low 80s Overnight Lows: Upper 60s

Good News: Sunshine today and much of tomorrow.

Bad News: Wet weather returns Saturday. Below to near normal temperatures stick around.