Well my week hiatus from ye ol’ Facebook is finished, and I feel better because of it. As for the weather, looking sunny over the next 3 days before a threat of rain moves into western PA late on Wednesday. Roller coasters make some people sick and that’ll be the case with temperatures. We go up from here through the middle of the week then back down for the weekend, then back up by the middle of next week. Chilly highs in the 40s today in western PA will give way to 50s tomorrow and 60s on Wednesday. Lows will be cold in the upper 20s to low 30s tonight before rising into the upper 30s/40s Tuesday and Wednesday night. In DC we’re looking at 40s today before 50s return tomorrow and 60s push in Wednesday. Lows in the 30s tonight will give way to 40s through the middle of the week. I know it’s Monday, but try to enjoy it. I know I will with a long nap after a busy weekend with the Pens game, Baptism, creating my site, Nintendo, daquiris… Have a great day!