My title pretty much describes the weather for western and central PA for the rest of the week after today. Looking at mostly cloudy skies today with a chance of rain moving in later on and into tomorrow. Thursday night and into Friday night is where things get sloppy with rain changing over to sleet and some sleet in between. Roads could get icy with standing water freezing over Friday night. Higher elevations could see some accumulations. Highs in the 50s today will give way to 50s and 60s tomorrow before temperatures start to decline into the 20s and 30s for the weekend. Lows in the 40s and 50s will decline into the 30s and 40s by tomorrow night before teens and 20s move in for the weekend. As for DC, the threat of rain will increase after today. The late weekend could bring some wintry precipitation, but it would only be brief. Highs in the 50s and 60s over the next 3 days will give way to 40s by the weekend. Lows in the 40s and 50s will drop into the 30s this weekend. Things will get colder by the early to mid part of next week. Once again, be glad you’re not in Calgary where temperatures Friday and Saturday could drop to near -25 degrees. Stay dry, but enjoy the nicer temperatures! Take care folks! Get over the hump.